Its starting to get a bit chilly outside as winter approaches, here are a few suggestions to keep you warm this winter.
Ainsley Harriot Cup a Soup – Chicken and Leek0,00€
Ainsley Harriot Cup a Soup – Italian Minestrone0,00€
Ainsley Harriot Cup a Soup – Thai Chicken and Lemon Grass0,00€
Ainsley Harriot Cup a Soup – Vegetable Chowder0,00€
Bannisters Cooked Jacket Potato0,00€
Batchelors Cup A Soup Chicken0,00€
Batchelors Cup A Soup Cream of Asparagus0,00€
Batchelors Cup A Soup Cream of Vegetable0,00€
Batchelors Cup A Soup Golden Vegetable0,00€
Batchelors Cup A Soup Tomato And Vegetable With Croutons0,00€
Branston Beans0,00€
Farmhouse Cheese & Onion Filled Jackets0,00€
Heinz Beanz Five Beanz0,00€
Heinz Beanz Original 200g0,00€
Sharwoods Curry & Rice0,00€